One Torah for All


One Torah shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.

Exodus 12:49


The Way of Trust

By Zerubbabel ben Emunah


Ivrim 2:13 
And again, I will put my trust in Him.  And again, Behold, I and the children whom Elohim has given me.

I was recently reminded of an incident that happened many years ago when I was pastoring in southern Oklahoma.  Yes, it was a first-day church, but the incident is still beneficial to tell.

In a town about two hours away from where I lived and pastored, a day of canvassing was scheduled.  I decided that I needed to go and be a part of this effort.  As happens sometimes when pastoring, things do not always go according to plans or schedules; that was the case this particular day.  And as you may have already surmised, I left later than I had planned to leave, so I was running a little behind schedule.

I was driving a little bit fast to try to make up some time.  But as things went, I had a blowout.  I pulled over and got stopped without any difficulty.  However, as I was changing the tire, our merciful Heavenly Father began to deal with me about my driving too fast.  So after I got the tire changed and got back on the road I slowed down.  If I was late, well, that was just the way it was going to be.

About twenty to thirty minutes later I had another blowout.

I just burst out laughing.

Well, the person riding with me looked at me like I had absolutely lost my mind.  They even asked what was wrong with me.  After all, didn’t I realize that there was not any spare as we had used it before on the other blowout?

Indeed, we did not have another spare.  But I was already aware that YHWH was working.  I was excited about what He was about to do.  I got pulled over and stopped without any difficulty.  We just sat there for a few moments and the other person asked me what we were going to do now.

I said that I thought we should get out and walk. 

So we got out of the van, locked it up and started walking.

We did not get very far; in fact, we were just about a car length in front of the van when a car pulled over and asked if they could assist us.

That was great! I was praising our Heavenly Father for His provisions. 

These very nice people took us to the next gas station, which we could actually see from where we had pulled over onto the shoulder of the road, so we could make a phone call.  As we were going to the station we discovered that they too were going to the same town and offered to take us to our place of destination.  We thanked them and accepted their very kind offer.

As we drove that last 30 miles we visited with them and found that they were also believers and we had a great time of fellowship.  They dropped us off and we went in to get our assignments for the area in which we were to go door-knocking.

As YHWH would have it, about the fifth door we knocked on was the house that the people that had given us a ride were going to visit.  We were invited in and had a great time of sharing. 

The significant thing about it, was that the household which the people who had given us a ride was visiting, were not believers.  So, we were able to give an up-to-date testimony of His provisions and tell them about His Son.

After we got back to the church, everyone was giving different testimonies as to their experiences of the day.  When I told the events of the day, a spontaneous outpouring of praise and love happened and several just gave an offering to help with the expenses of tires, which I could not even begin to afford at that time.  I had not mentioned that fact to anyone.  The amount given in the offering paid for the tires and the gas that it took to go there and return home.

YHWH’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are way beyond our thoughts and His timing is absolutely perfect.

When we trust Him, He can do things that seem impossible to us.

Let us work towards knowing and understanding that everything that comes into our lives is either by His command, or because He allowed it to come.  Either way, it is a blessing; even those times that seem to put us under strain and stress.

For it is at those times, when we are under the pressures of life, that the dross (those things that are not pleasing to Him) comes to the surface, in order for Him to point it out, so we can surrender it to Him and He can remove it. 

This is all so that we can become conformed into the image of His Son, Yeshua.

In the uncertain times that we presently live in, we need to be assured of this truth; the truth that YHWH does indeed provide for His people.  YHWH is completely faithful!

Bless YHWH who is faithful to us at all times and in all circumstances.  Amein.

ABBA YHWH, please open our eyes that we may see clearly Your hand at work in our lives in all things; in the name of Yeshua our Mashiach. 

Amein & Amein.


Zerubbabel ben Emunah


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